Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Knit Fit

Yes.. I sew so much that I can post TwIce a DaY!

I didn't actually make these today. I assembled them in sections over a course of two days and finished them a day or so ago.
These are just the begining of what I plan to make for this years stash for the craft shows.
Our first official show is on April 3rd and I am not prepared, not in the least bit.
I have lots of ideas.. more ideas than time.
I did manage to rock out 6 pairs of knit, ruffled trousers with pockets!
I completed them with an UlTrA comfortable, Yoga style waistband.
I am planning to make some matchy appliques to go along with these, like I did for the other ruffled trousers.
Check them out and tell me what you think!

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